Follow me to be Healthy with Europe is launching the #400gChallenge to transform millennials dietary habits
– Freshfel Europe and Aprifel are launching a three – year digital – first European information campaign to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in young Europeans
– Influencers and monthly challenges will be prompting young Europeans to share tips to easily integrate fruit and vegetables in their daily diets.
Freshfel Europe and Aprifel launched the 4th July a joint EU-funded digital campaign called “ Follow me to be Healthy with Europe ” to encourage young Europeans to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables to a minimum of 400g a day ( WHO recommendation ).
The campaign will run until end 2021, and live online under the hashtag #400gChallenge. Today is the official launch at the Eurockéennes in Belfort ; we are present at the music festival with a stand and influencers to pass on the message.
In Europe, 1 in 5 adults are obese, and by 2030 it is estimated that more than 50% of the European population will suffer from obesity. According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ), “ fruit and vegetables are important components of a healthy diet ”1. As such, the WHO recommends the consumption of at least 400g of fruit and vegetables per day. Yet, fruit and vegetable consumption levels across most of the EU Member States remains well below this consumption target, with only 14% of the European population meeting this recommendation.
This low fruit and vegetable consumption is particularly noticeable among 18 – 30 year olds. In fact, European young adults are barely aware of the importance of consuming fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. For this reason, Freshfel Europe and Aprifel have chosen to focus this pan – European awareness campaign on this specific target group.
The objective of this three-year digital campaign is to increase awareness of the role that a healthy diet, and particularly fruit and vegetables, play in leading a healthy lifestyle, to ultimately transform millennials’ dietary habits.
The campaign will be present on various social media channels ( YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook ) and supported by a wide range of European lifestyle bloggers and influencers. Monthly videos featuring a young couple, a young professional and a student will provide tips and tricks on how to easily integrate fruit and vegetables into their daily diets, and inform millennials on the health benefits
of these products. These videos will also coincide with infographics, acting as easy-to-use reminders of the tips provided in the videos.