Experts from Practice Pass on Their Knowledge to the Producers and the Trade
Above all, the young, urban (and mostly also affluent) purchasers want healthy, sustainable and regional products. This new customer generation is increasingly bringing different requirements to the green sector. But how should the producers and the trade best serve this target group which is becoming ever more important? Answers to this will be given by experts in the Speakers’ Corner of the IPM Discovery Centre at IPM ESSEN on the Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs Days on January 24 and 25, 2019.
The young customer generations are different. For example, they no longer buy their plants in a customary nursery but instead order them and obtain information about them using the Internet and the social media channels. The classic retail nurseries and garden centres are losing these customer groups.
How can these consumers be won back?
What must the horticultural production and the green retail trade do in order to be noticed?
In how many and what new media should it be possible to find a horticultural company?
What products attract the young generations?
In their lectures, the speakers on the Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs Days will keep an eye not only on the perspectives of the production but also on those of the trade and the consumers.
They will explain what specific characteristics exist and are worth changing over the production for. Moreover, they will illustrate what that means for the procedures and the marketing in the company. Because this is often associated with a rethink for entrepreneurs and employees.
Rethinking: Gastronomy as a Customer Magnet in the Garden Centre
The Fruit, Vegetable and Herbs Days will take place in the IPM Discovery Centre, the POS experience world at IPM ESSEN. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Thursday and Friday of the fair, experts will pass on their knowledge in Hall 8A. For example, Carsten Markus, Brand Manager for Experience Green at Sagaflor, will explain how the appropriate gastronomic concept supplements the sales area in the garden centre.
Markus Kobelt, Managing Director of the Lubera Fruit and Berry Tree Nursery, will report on the optimum utilisation of new media for a tree nursery. In total, there will be ten lectures on the programme on the Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs Days which are being organised by Haymarket Media. All the interested visitors to IPM who would like to obtain suggestions from successful practitioners will be invited to this event. Concrete examples will show what concepts and ideas may function and where any possible limits are too.